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Your Guide to England's Hiking Trails: Photos, Filters, and FAQs

16461 Hiking Trails

What to expect

England has 16461 trails including medium, easy, difficult, and extra difficult trails. The trail with the highest elevation climb is the River Thurne via Weaver Way Loop and the one with the least climb is the Via Francigena. The longest trail is Via Francigena at 3190 km. To complete this hike you should budget at least 164 days. For a shorter adventure, you can try the Hill Top Walk a t 203 m. This could be done in as little as 1 days. Trails with the best offering of hostels include Loop beside Anglezarke Reservoir, Robinson Wood Loop, Quantock Greenway, Blickling Lake Walk - Norfolk, and West Somerset Coast Path.

Guide to hiking in England

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FAQs about hiking in England

What is the climate like for hiking in England?

In England, hiking in the spring (March to May) sees milder temperatures and flourishing wildlife, however trails may be muddy due to showers. Summer (June to August) offers the most stable weather with longer daylight hours but trails can be crowded, especially in national parks. Autumn (September to November) can be wetter but displays vibrant fall colours.

Winter hiking (December to February) is more challenging due to short days and colder, often unpredictable weather. Snowfall can make some trails inaccessible. Always check the weather forecast and equip accordingly. Experienced hikers may enjoy the tranquility and stark beauty of the winter landscape. 

Ultimately, the best time to hike in England depends on personal preferences and preparedness. England's official tourist site ( provides in-depth information about various hiking trails and their seasonal characteristics. Be sure to research specific areas as climate can vary across the country.

Do I need a permit to hike in England?

In England, the "Right to Roam" allows hikers access to certain public lands without a permit. Some areas like national parks or Sites of Special Scientific Interest may have specific rules. Before hiking, check with the landowner, National Trust, or local council. Information on access rights can be found on the Natural England website (

Is wild camping allowed in England?

Wild camping in England is generally not allowed without landowner permission, except in some parts of Dartmoor National Park. Breaching this can result in fines. It's advised to use official campsites or seek landowner consent for a more immersive experience. For more, visit the Dartmoor National Park's website (

Are there mountain rescue services in England?

In emergencies while hiking in England, dial 999 and ask for the police, then request Mountain Rescue. The Mountain Rescue England and Wales (MREW) is a volunteer-run organization that provides assistance in upland and lowland areas. More information can be found on their website (

Are there dangerous plants in England?

England's diverse hiking trails present a range of flora. Expect bluebells in ancient woodlands, gorse on coastal paths, and heather on moorlands. In protected areas, refrain from picking or damaging plants. The Woodland Trust provides more details on the UK's native species (

What wildlife should I be aware of when hiking in England?

While hiking in England, you may encounter a variety of wildlife including deer, foxes, badgers, and numerous bird species. Beware of ticks in tall grass and midges in damp, shaded areas. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds ( offers useful information on encountering wildlife responsibly.