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Your Guide to United Kingdom's Hiking Trails: Photos, Filters, and FAQs

19403 Hiking Trails

What to expect

United Kingdom has 7366 trails including medium, easy, difficult, and extra difficult trails. The trail with the highest elevation climb is the Legacy Trail 4 - Around Radipole Lake Walk and the one with the least climb is the Coastal Walk of Shetland - East. The longest trail is Via Francigena at 2210 km. To complete this hike you should budget at least 109 days. For a shorter adventure, you can try the Clootie Well Trail a t 217 m. This could be done in as little as 1 days. Trails with the best offering of hostels include Slapton Walk, Bishopstone and the Downland Ridge, Danby Castle Walk, Cassiobury Park and Grand Union Canal - Watford, and Plynlimon and Nant-y-Moch Reservoir.

Guide to hiking in United Kingdom

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FAQs about hiking in United Kingdom

What is the climate like for hiking in United Kingdom?

The climate in the United Kingdom is mild with rainfall throughout the year, influencing the hiking experience. Summers (June to August) are warm but not excessively hot, while winters (December to February) are cold, but extreme temperatures are rare.
Spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) are excellent times for hiking, offering milder weather and beautiful changes in the landscape. Nevertheless, hiking is possible throughout the year, with the right preparation.
The wettest months are generally October to December, which could make hiking more challenging. Always check local weather conditions before setting out. Detailed weather information is available on the Met Office website. Link:

Do I need a permit to hike in United Kingdom?

Generally, hiking in the UK doesn't require permits as many routes traverse public rights of way or open access land. Some protected areas may require permits or have restrictions, such as certain National Trust sites. For specific information, check with local National Park Authorities or the National Trust. Link:

Is wild camping allowed in United Kingdom?

Wild camping in the UK is largely restricted. However, it's usually acceptable in higher fell areas in England, and some parts of Dartmoor. In Scotland, wild camping is generally allowed under the Outdoor Access Code. Always follow 'Leave No Trace' principles. Link:

Are there mountain rescue services in United Kingdom?

In emergencies, dial 999, ask for police, then Mountain Rescue in the UK. Mountain Rescue services are provided by teams of volunteers across the country. Be prepared to give your location and details of the emergency. Check the Mountain Rescue England and Wales site for more information. Link:

Are there dangerous plants in United Kingdom?

The UK boasts diverse flora, from the heather moorlands of Scotland, to the deciduous woodlands of England. Identifying local plant species can enhance hikes and help to avoid harmful species. The Plantlife website offers extensive information on UK flora. Link:

What wildlife should I be aware of when hiking in United Kingdom?

The UK is home to a variety of wildlife that hikers might encounter, from smaller insects like ticks to larger mammals such as deer. Wildlife varies by region and season, so taking appropriate precautions is important. Detailed wildlife information can be found on the National Biodiversity Network's website. Link: